Montag, 1. November 2010

DAY 63,64,65,66 a loong weekend

hi there,
finally i have TIME!
okei on friday i hade a normal day except i didn't went to swimpractise.. cause we are going to kalamazoo for a babyshower. so we left at 5.00 and we drove down to grandrapids, there we took rylie on our car and went down to kalamazoo. there we went into a hotel. it took us 3hours so it was kinda dark.. here is the label of the hotel and the room.

then the aawesoome thing was that this hotel has a swimmingpool and a hot tube. it was very nice.. small but nice'^^ so we went there at 9.30 for a half an hour then went to bed. sarah and i shared a bed and the others had a bed themselves. then in the morning there was a lot for breakfast.. you could even make your waffle. then we went up and looked some TV. after a while michelle came to pick us up for the babyshower. as we got there a lot of people were there. it was very nice. we had some food and drinks and we had fun. here are some pictures from the babyshower...:

after the party we were going back in the hotel. there i made some homework and we watched TV. after a while we went all together with the familys of my ''brothers'' to a restaurant. then it was late. i took a shower and went then to bed. in the morning we had to be out there at 10. then we ate breakfast very fast and went to jeffs house. the one with the tripplets. there michelle and greg helped them to put a clothesdryer in and then we went home to midland. there we went fast into the mal for buy halloween candy. i bought a tinkerbell costume for the evening. then we went home and i had to finish my painting i was soo late with it..=S then at 6 o'clock we, tom and i went with star up and down the street for trick or treat. it was a lot of fun...when the front porch lights were on they give you candy i was very funny.. sure it's more for little kids but it ws awesooome.'^^
there were dices, pirates,skelettons and stuff walking around'^^ i was tinkerbell, tom was a knight, and star was a hot dog.=P she got too some dogbones.'^^ but it was FREEEZZZIIING!!
then there was too a party from our church. but when we got there it was ovr so went back again. at home i took a warm shower and went to my room for finish the painting. at 1 o'clock i was finished and actually i had to do an other one again.. but i was too tired. here are some pictures from halloween:

today was actually a very tired and booring day so i survived but yes.. i woke up and got to the bus station it was freeezing cold and then as we got to school it was like an other day too. in swimming we had only 1 and a half hour practise the rest of the time we spent on painting a white t-shirt  for the valleys swim meet. i'll swim 50 free, and 100 breast it'll be awesome..!!GO DOW.!! when i got home i made the poster for my swim budy emily. --->

((the little written one means: who got the best stroke in the house?'^^))
 so i'm writting now here and say goodnight and see you tomorrow!!!love you guys all<3<3

(dear anna, i'll write back promise i'm just a bit busy in the last days sorry!!)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hi Nina,
    Now I found your blog (Your father told me about that). Yesterday evening we had the opportunity to have a look at a new training location. It’s located near downtown of Thun. Maybe you know that place; it’s the ballroom of the old Bären restaurant. Therewe have enough place for fencing exercises as well as tourna-ments. However there are two open points:
    The illumination is poor
    And the council of Thun has not decided that this ballroom may be used for trainings.

    Well lets see.


