today i woked up at 10.00. still a bit sick and tired i went down to eat breakfast. there was egg and patatoes. then it was time to clean up my room. after i finished this i went down to help greg and michelle to peel apples for apple sauce. then i went outside in the warm sun to write letters. it was soo warm nearly hot. the others cleaned up the garage meanwhile michelle and i went shopping for the babyshower of the tripples who will come in december. i wanted to buy a map of america for my room so i can pin everywhere where i was been. i also bought a fonduepot. it was on sale. wanna cook tomorrow a fondue.'^^

when we got home, three hours later.'^^ i went up and finished my letters. then i went with sarah by bicycle to the eastman partystore. there i wanted to get swisscheese for making the fondue tomorrow. i had to have 1200g.. but the lady there didn't knew how much it is in pounds and so.. so we started a big mess. then a man came over to us with a pack like this:
it was real fun. i took three of them and we got home. then michelle, sarah and greg. went to saginaw to look at a car. while i baked some freezedpizzas and tom,james, chris and i ate them at home. i took i showe after dinner. then i started with knit. till the others got home. then we looked the movie how to train your dragon. it's a supermovie! like it`!
so now its time to say goodnight`!
love you all <3
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